Alleged followers of the gentle Nazarene turn out to be women-haters and paeodophiles shocker.
Ex-Hitler youth member Herr Ratzinger calms the nervously jostling throng of black robed followers at the recent child sex abusers convention in the Vatican, one of the few countries to have signed the Convention for the Protection of Paedophiles. (CPP). (This may be because they constitute most of its population.)
"Worry not my children." He says..."We have the money to buy their silence. We have the power to provoke their fear. I will write a letter, and all will be well. Even in Ireland where that fool Brady has disclosed the true nature of our evil and the thousands of children whose lives we have ruined, even there my letter will be like oil upon the stormy sea. Stick with me my children, and once more they will be at our mercy and we shall be the wolves feasting upon the lambs as we have so feasted for two thousand years. Hahahahahahaheeeeeeyyyeeeeeee." (Dr Evil type laughter ensues.)
Thus the ever strange nature of colliding reality. Have you never noticed the obsession of the priesthood with blood of all kinds? Like 'this is my blood' etc...etc 'drink this in remembrance of me.'
Yes...'True Blood' resonances abound. The constant references to blood, the fixation with torture, the strange black robes and knotted girdles? That's right, vampires are running the vatican. Lock up your children. Ditch those crucifixes and pray. What? To whom? Well these are the guys who turned it upside down and Lucifer means 'Light-bringer.' Who ya gonna call?
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